Best Anti-Viral Herbs

Since the dawn of humanity, herbs have been used to fight diseases including viral ones.

Lots of herbs help fight against viruses and are favored by practitioners of natural medicine. 

Below you find some of my favorites:


A popular member of the mint family, it is an aromatic herb used in natural medicine to treat viral infections. Sage is also known to ease congestion and respiratory diseases including cold and flu symptoms.

The antiviral properties are mostly attributed to safficinolide and sage one, which are found in the leaves and stem of the plant.


Fennel is a licorice-flavored plant that may fight certain viruses. It boosts our immune system and decreases inflammation helping to combat viral infections.


Peppermint is known to have powerful antiviral qualities and is commonly added to teas, extracts, and tinctures meant to naturally treat viral infections. 

Its leaves have essential oils containing strong active components, such as menthol and rosmarinic acid, which have antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity. Peppermint exhibit potent antiviral activity against the respiratory syncytial virus and significantly decreases levels of inflammatory compounds.


Lemon balm is a lemony plant that’s commonly used in teas and seasonings but is also known for its medicinal qualities.

Lemon balm extract is a concentrated source of potent essential oils and plant compounds that have antiviral activity, especially against many strains of influenza.

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